Desert Island Record Picks, Part I

To kick off this blog, I've compiled a list of "essential" music records that I would want with me in the off chance I get stranded on a desert island ( with all my favorite records and a device to play them... What luck!). It should be noted that not every pick is one single piece of music. Most of the picks are quite large works, actually. Similarly, not every record consists of just one CD or vinyl - some of them include two or three. Maybe that's cheating, but I figure the rules aren't too strict on unexplored desert islands in the Pacific ocean. This article is divided into two parts: this first part is dedicated to works that are primarily choral or vocal, and the second to purely non-vocal ("instrumental") music. Since the greatest instrument of all is the human voice, I have given special attention to selecting my favorite choral works, and these would take priority for me if I had to choose between the two. I. Choral Works 1. S. Ra...